The Fool unfolds as a collection of precisely written, produced and arranged songs, but also as a revue of pop’s archetypes. In virtually manic manner, Bruch pulls all styles of music that are suitable for his purposes into an irresistible vortex of grim opalescent emotions and uses them to turn his deep and haunting thoughts into music. While some of Bruch’s songs keep oscillating between cheerful pop/ rhythm & blues and murky hip hop/ industrial, others take the fast lane to the ogre end of the spectrum. A romantic ride in a ferris wheel, as much as being jiggled by a breakneck rollercoaster. The lowest point becomes the climax, bile turns into an elixir of life, a curse into a blessing. The Fool’s mission is striving forwards and disarming: existential intimacy as a strategy and weapon.
All Music & Lyrics by Bruch.
Additional Vocals by Anna Pü.
Layout & Design by Kathi Reidelshöfer.
Mastered by Dino Spiluttini.