Emmaalouise Smith

Emmaalouise is a filmmaker and photographer living in Norwich. She has a background of working in a range of visual areas of the industry, lived in London for a number of years before moving to Norfolk. Previous work includes short films, music videos, portraiture, animation, curation and live projections.

"And yet, they still look to the sky..." is a short experimental film by British film-maker Emmaalouise Smith. Delving into the philosophy of personal memory and reminiscence, Emmaalouise projects her narrative through a mixed medium landscape made up from 16mm handmade animation and Super 8. The audio and visual projections collide, focussing on the leading lady ('Princess Julia', a renound London DJ and Fashion blogger) leaving a raw and otherworldy atmosphere reflecting the baron celluloid on-screen. Like looking into a long, lost photograph album, "And yet," aims to explore the meaning of lonliness and personal belonging in society.

Shot on Super 8mm and 16mm Film. Starring Princess Julia, and shot with an all-female cast and crew Featuring an analogue soundtrack and hand-made animation sequences
