Stanley Schtinter – Last Movies

All films are haunted, both by the immortal light of the sooner-or-later dead that they curate, and by the filaments of meaning they extrude into unscripted human lives. Last Movies is an unexpectedly revealing catalogue of final interchanges between imminent ghosts and counterpart electric spectres on the screen’s far side. Profound and riveting, Schtinter’s graveyard perspective offers up a rich and startlingly novel view of cinema, angled through cemetery gates before the closing credits. A remarkable accomplishment.

Alan Moore

With a Foreword (Programme Notes) by Erika Balsom ;
an ‘Intermission’ from Bill Drummond ;
& an Afterword by Nicole Brenez ...

Edited by Dominic Jaeckle
Tenement #10 / ISBN: 978-1-7393851-1-8
324pp / 140 x 216mm
Designed and typeset by Traven T. Croves
Published November 5th 2023, Tennement Press


In a recent feature on in The Wire magazine, the label’s founder, Stanley Schtinter, was defined by his “disregard for the music industry, self-promotion and prevailing cultural norms.” Dirk Schaefer’s collected scores for Peter Tscherkassky’s film is the fifth vinyl release from