Monday 9 November 2015, 8pm

Our Love Will Destroy The World + Michael Speers + imboredofbastards

No Longer Available

The crash & crush of Our Love Will Destroy the World's high-volume catatonic meanderings has always been something for those with a propensity for hysteria to avoid. Intimidating walls of eternal crescendo, sonic event-horizon levitations, multi-tonal throat-wreckage, the blood, the blisters, the burning smell… a silver rocketship of infinite fury, controls jammed, on a collision course for the stillness at the heart of the nearest galactic catastrophe.

Hailing from pretty-much Nowhere, New Zealand, its been nearly 20 years since Campbell Kneale's family sold him to the monks and he began his quest under the name Birchville Cat Motel. Today, a canonised saint of alchemical sound, he casually wields enormous esoteric power… desiccating 'music' into teensy little pieces and clumsily reanimating the unrecognisable bits into massive living creatures, tragically disfigured, with hearts of gold.

Michael Speers

Michael Speers (b. 1992) is a musician from Northern Ireland.
Working with natural & synthetic sound material—using drums, computer, microphones, feedback—in composition, performance and installation.
Collaborating with Paul Abbott as yPLO—using real & imaginary drums. With Luciano Maggiore, making music contemplating the kernel of black metal.
Other collaborators include John Wall, Louise Le Du, Olan Monk, Niklas Adam, Lee Fraser and Seijiro Murayama.
Recordings published by Anòmia, Party Perfect!, Krim Kram, Takuroku, C.A.N.V.A.S., Wasted Capital Since 2013 and Feedback Moves.


More commonly performing as one half of itinerant UK project Trans/Human, Luke Twyman's solo guise continues to conjure harsh, deep sweeping zones of noise, discomfort and tension. Calling upon his pick 'n mix junk buffet of mobile phones, battery chargers, muscle stimulation devices, radios and loose feedback systems, Twyman lifts the veil on the electronic guts of everyday items and recombines the resulting sonic discharge into a awkward stack of crushed beats, beeps and squeaks.