Feedback Cell

Feedback Cell

Feedback Cell is the open-ended experimental luthiary and performance project of Chris Kiefer and Alice Eldridge. The project develops Feedback Musicianship through iteratively making, playing, measuring, and thinking about feedback resonator instruments. Following the design of the Halldorophone by Halldór Ulfarsson, feedback cellos are made from acoustic cellos that are custom fitted with pick-ups, built-in speakers and on-body transducers and analogue and digital processing, to create hybrid instruments that self-resonate.

For this improvisation two self-resonating feedback celli are coupled via audio and adaptive machine listening and learning algorithms to create a shared, self-willed instrument. Learning to play the instrument becomes a lesson in complexity literacy and intersubjective attunement. In this one-off performance they are joined by Ollie Bown, bringing a further complex system to the feedback loop: a continuous-time recurrent neural network that has been evolved to generate complex patterns via a process of "novelty search". The trio explore hybrid complex adaptive musical systems, intuitively.